Older Man Playing Guitar After CBT For Tinnitus

Experience Relief from Tinnitus with CBT

If you’re suffering from tinnitus, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can help. CBT is an evidence-based treatment that is more than just talk therapy - it helps reduce the severity of tinnitus symptoms, improving your well-being.


How We Use CBT to Treat Tinnitus

Our therapists use both CBT and ACT to help you manage tinnitus. These therapies emphasize acceptance, mindfulness, and behavioral changes - promoting a more positive relationship with tinnitus and enhancing your ability to engage in the activities you love.


Get Tinnitus Treatment Backed by Evidence

Research repeatedly confirms that CBT for tinnitus is significantly effective at:

  • reducing the severity of tinnitus symptoms
  • minimizing its interference in daily life
  • decreasing the psychological distress associated with the condition

CBT for tinnitus has been endorsed by:


How CBT Works To Treat Tinnitus

Man And Woman Socializing After Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Tinnitus

There is no cure for tinnitus, but CBT can help alleviate your distress. CBT helps you change the way you think about tinnitus. The primary goal of CBT is to empower you to respond to the condition in a different way.

Through a process called habituation, the brain can learn to interpret tinnitus sounds as neutral rather than threatening. As the brain stops responding to these signals as dangerous, the actual symptoms of tinnitus become less severe. Eventually, the sound becomes less bothersome - letting you take charge of your life again.


What to Expect With CBT for Tinnitus

Your therapist will work closely with your audiologist and additional members of your healthcare team to determine that CBT is a good fit for you.

We also complete a comprehensive intake assessment in order to personalize treatment to your specific needs, make appropriate recommendations, and take into account any other co-occurring issues.

The CBT process can look different for everyone, but in general, you’ll collaborate with your therapist to identify negative thoughts and emotions related to your tinnitus, then develop and practice coping strategies that allow you to take control of your symptoms.

CBT as a treatment for tinnitus typically ranges from as few as 6-12 sessions.

CBT For Tinnitus Is An Effective Treatment Option For Everyone

Therapy Delivered With Respect, Empathy, and Compassion


We view all people as unique individuals who are doing the best they can to cope with the circumstances they are presented with. Although we are CBT specialists that help people manage their mental health using the most current and effective treatments, we also recognize how privilege, power, unequal access to resources, prejudice, racism, and other systemic issues affect a person’s lived experience. We approach each relationship with the respect, empathy, and compassion that all people deserve.

Our practitioners have also received additional training and supervision in culturally competent practices, and continue to do so as part of participating in our group.


Take back contol. Try CBT for Tinnitus and get lasting relief.
